Auto Insurance
Liability Insurance on Your Auto Policy
What is auto liability insurance and why do we have to have it? You are legally required to carry liability insurance on your auto policy. It is the limit amount of what your insurance company would pay if you are at fault in an accident and other people get hurt or their property is damaged. …
Read MoreSeasonal Driving Tips
Winter is here! Unfortunately, that means snowy and icy roads have to be navigated this time of year. Here are some reminders to help lower the possibility of having to file an auto insurance claim and ensure that you and your family get to where you’re going safely. USE CAUTION: The distance to stop on icy…
Read MoreFall Car Insurance Tips to Know
As the days get shorter in Lafayette, Indiana, there are some auto insurance tips that all drivers should know to stay safe and be accident-free. Stay Safe When Driving at Night One of the biggest causes of accidents happens to be the dark. Only a quarter of all driving happens at night, but more than half of all…
Read More4 Reasons to Buy Car Insurance
It’s The Law Every state in the United State, with the exception of New Hampshire, requires every driver have some form of insurance. Each state has its own requirements, but in general, there is always some kind of insurance every driver has to have. The reason car insurance is mandatory is to protect others in the case of an…
Read MoreMake Sure You Have Motorhome Insurance Before You Hit The Road
When you buy a RV you are making a large investment so why not protect it by purchasing Motorhome Insurance. Not only is this a large investment, but it is also a large vehicle that could cause severe damage and injury. At Isch Insurance it is our goal to keep you covered. These are some of the other reasons…
Read MoreNot All Car Insurance is Created Equal
When sitting behind this desk in Lafayette, Indiana, talking with people about their car insurance, nine times out of ten people tell me their biggest car insuranceconcern is the cost. Which is a reasonable concern, however the biggest message I have for clients is not all car insurance is created equal. When it comes to car insurance…
Read MoreWhat’s Covered in a Basic Car Insurance Policy?
I talk to people every day in greater Lafayette, Indiana that are looking for auto insurance. We in the insurance business throw around terms like full coverage, liability only, uninsured motorist, and comprehensive deductible. When you use these terms every day in conversation, sometimes it is hard to remember this is a foreign language to most people.…
Read MoreDistracted Driving to Blame for Crashes
A recent TV commercial focuses on the dangers of distracted driving. Something we all are guilty of, that’s right even me! And this commercial comes at a perfect time since beginning July 1, 2011 it is illegal for drivers in Indiana to text and drive. You may think this law is a great idea, or not, but regardless the facts speak…
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